"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca

01 December 2010

$2,600 from TJ Maxx! Just how fat are they?

Ailene Brown and Shmeco Thomas of Oklahoma attempted to steal $2,600 dollars of clothing and shoes at T.J.Maxx...not by using the usual shoplifting techniques but by "actually concealing them in areas of their body where excess skin was," read: hiding them in their body fat, according to a police officer.

life imitating art
Cotton: [Babs serves her family a steak she has shoplifted from the market by concealing under her dress between her legs]
Mmmm, Babs, smells delicious!
Babs Johnson: Thanks, Cotton, it should. I warmed it up downtown today, in my own little oven.

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