"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca

20 July 2018

Giuliani claims turd is evidence of starvation.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney representing the president in various ongoing scandals, confirmed the tape’s existence, but dismissed its significance by saying that it was less than two minutes long, according to the Times.
He also claimed that the recording suggests that Trump had no previous knowledge of the payment.
In the big scheme of things, it’s powerful exculpatory evidence,” Giuliani said.

Another 'misspeak'?

"There was no collusion."

True, in that 'collusion' suggests something hidden and secret.
There is nothing hidden about this!

16 July 2018

I, Donald

But you aren't.
Yes I am.
No you aren't.
Yes I am.
No you aren't.
Yes I am...

13 July 2018

The Question Is

Their own or...

Au revoir / Привет

 Just what sort of message does it send
When old alliances, he does rend?
To the E. U.
He says "P U"
Then runs off to his little boyfriend. 

06 July 2018

gene pool / food chain


tick tock...

When the Grand Jury indicts with Probable Cause
For violation of the Emoluments Clause,
My prediction:
His conviction.
The real question is: How long a sentence he draws?

05 July 2018

Another 'Resignation'

Such a fitting ending for a government cheat,
Who put ethics and decency into retreat.
I know that this sounds absurd
But the 'pop' that you just heard
Was Scott being plucked off of the federal teat!

Ohio State to join Penn State and Michigan State in new 'Grope' Conference.

Such a conservative is Congressman Jim
A former wrestling coach who keeps himself trim.
Did he just stand by
And turn a blind eye?
"I saw nothing NOTHING go down in the gym!"

Nanh, Nanh, Nanh, Nanh...


04 July 2018


The 14th of July

n ntirely stay bile jenius

Definition of pour

poured; pouring; pours

1 a : to cause to flow in a stream

b : to dispense from a container
  • poured drinks for everyone

2 : to supply or produce freely or copiously
  • poured money into the project

3 : to give full expression to : vent
  • poured out his feelings

1 : to move with a continuous flow

2 : to rain hard      

Definition of pore

pored; poring

1 : to gaze intently

2 : to read or study attentively usually used with over

3 : to reflect or meditate steadily      

and in case you care

Definition of poor

a : lacking material possessions
b : of, relating to, or characterized by poverty

2 a : less than adequate : meager

b : small in worth
3 : exciting pity

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