"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca

28 November 2012

Could someone please explain how this fat greasy twat gained so much influence?

Grover Norquist

Business as Usual


The BBC regrets

the article entitled 'Animal welfare: Germany moves to ban bestiality' inadvertently included a crude version of Michelangelo's 1533 masterpiece 'Leda and the Swan' in which Chancellor Merkel's head was photoshopped onto Leda.  The BBC apologizes to Dr. Merkel, the Bundestag, and the German people for any embarrassment this caused.
The corrected version can be found at:

Remember the Blitz

12 November 2012

A true 'precipitous withdrawal'


NOM in bed with Sharia Law ?

NOM president Brian Brown [center]
sings the praises of Chock Full O' Nuts

  The National Organization for Marriage is pledging to continue its efforts to ensure that companies that back same-sex marriage pay a “price” in Middle Eastern countries that are hostile to gay rights.
  The statements came during a NOM conference call Thursday evening, which the organization billed to its supporters as a discussion of the 2012 elections — which resulted in the legalization of gay marriage in three states and the defeat of a gay-marriage ban in a fourth — and of “what’s next in the fight to defend marriage.”
  NOM President Brian Brown responded by saying that NOM was targeting the international business of companies that support same-sex marriage such as Starbucks, which NOM also hit with a national boycott effort this year. Brown said the aim is to make these companies’ political stances known in countries in the Middle East and elsewhere that generally do not support same-sex marriage, or homosexuality in general.
  “Their international outreach is where we can have the most effect,” Brown said. “So for example, in Qatar, in the Middle East, we’ve begun working to make sure that there’s some price to be paid for this. These are not countries that look kindly on same-sex marriage. And this is where Starbucks wants to expand, as well as India. So we have done some of this; we’ve got to do a lot more.”

Amen to that!
