"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca

29 December 2012

Cindy Jacobs delivers opening prayer to final session of the 112th Congress' House of Representatives.

The most intelligent thing said all day!
"Dibble cabibble walla bibble, ashlamalla cabiddble.  
Eka eka hola kashia, dibble dubble cal libble.  Shanta quehola shana hola wer thakla conny xhitible.  
Wokka wokka cahola kissa mah minge cola cola ashola.  
Domino queso quanda keyhola.  
Eka payola shani tumesce lalla lalla peaa hola. Amen"

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