Prometheus Stealing Fire
"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca
28 February 2011
27 February 2011
Koch Worship
Frank Rich, NYT 27 Feb. 2001

In this bigger picture, the Wisconsin governor’s fawning 20-minute phone conversation with a prankster impersonating the oil billionaire David Koch last week, while entertaining, is merely a footnote. The Koch Industries political action committee did contribute to Walker’s campaign (some $43,000) and did help underwrite Tea Party ads and demonstrations in Madison. But this governor is merely a petty-cash item on the Koch ledger — as befits the limited favors he can offer Koch’s mammoth, sprawling, Kansas-based industrial interests.
26 February 2011
A Bicameral Legislator?
Former NY Congressman Chris Lee (R)
at last year's dedication of the Statue of the
Mazarin Hermaphrodite at the US Capitol building.
Mazarin Hermaphrodite at the US Capitol building.
from Gawker
In the past two weeks, two D.C.-area transgender women contacted us, each with a separate story about exchanging emails with the ex-congressman. One sent us an ad that Lee allegedly posted on Craigslist in search of trans women; the other sent us a never-before-seen photo that she says Lee sent her after they started chatting by email. Taken together, they present a possible explanation to those who have wondered why such a tame "sex scandal" forced Lee's hand so quickly.
25 February 2011
24 February 2011
22 February 2011
21 February 2011
Koch Brothers Behind Wisconsin Effort To Kill Public Unions
In a related story, Forward, the sculpture crowning the State Capitol in Madison has been renewed and updated to reflect current times.
Texas Poised To Pass Bill Allowing Guns On Campus
AUSTIN, Texas — Texas is preparing to give college students and professors the right to carry guns on campus, adding momentum to a national campaign to open this part of society to firearms.
From The Huffington Post
Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – Aug. 1, 1966) was a student at the University of Texas at Austin and a former Marine who killed 16 people and wounded 32 others during a shooting rampage on and around the university's campus on Aug. 1, 1966.
From recent history, you dimwits!
Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – Aug. 1, 1966) was a student at the University of Texas at Austin and a former Marine who killed 16 people and wounded 32 others during a shooting rampage on and around the university's campus on Aug. 1, 1966.
From recent history, you dimwits!
20 February 2011
"Georgia On My Case"
First Reader Summary
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as to provide that prenatal murder shall be unlawful in all events and to remove numerous references to such procedures; to amend Title 16, relating to crimes and offenses, so as to make certain findings of fact; to define certain terms; to provide that any prenatal murder shall be unlawful; to provide a penalty; to repeal certain exceptions to certain offenses; to provide for severability; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
House Bill 1
1 To amend the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as to provide that prenatal murder shall
2 be unlawful in all events and to remove numerous references to such procedures; to amend
3 Title 16, relating to crimes and offenses, so as to make certain findings of fact; to define
4 certain terms; to provide that any prenatal murder shall be unlawful; to provide a penalty; to
5 repeal certain exceptions to certain offenses; to provide for severability; to provide an
6 effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
196 SECTION 2.14.
197 Said title is further amended by revising subsection (a) of Code Section 31-10-18 , relating
198 to registration of spontaneous fetal deaths, as follows:
199 "(a) A report of spontaneous fetal death for each spontaneous fetal death which occurs in
200 this state shall be filed with the local registrar of the county in which the delivery occurred
201 within 72 hours after such delivery in accordance with this Code section unless the place
202 of fetal death is unknown, in which case a fetal death certificate shall be filed in the county
203 in which the dead fetus was found within 72 hours after such occurrence. All induced
204 terminations of pregnancy shall be reported in the manner prescribed in Code Section
205 31-10-19 . Preparation and filing of reports of spontaneous fetal death shall be as follows:
206 (1) When a dead fetus is delivered in an institution, the person in charge of the institution
207 or that person's designated representative shall prepare and file the report;
208 (2) When a dead fetus is delivered outside an institution, the physician in attendance at
209 or immediately after delivery shall prepare and file the report;
210 (3) When a spontaneous fetal death required to be reported by this Code section occurs
211 without medical attendance at or immediately after the delivery or when inquiry is
212 required by Article 2 of Chapter 16 of Title 45, the 'Georgia Death Investigation Act,' the
213 proper investigating official shall investigate the cause of fetal death and shall prepare
214 and file the report within 30 days; and
215 (4) When a spontaneous fetal death occurs in a moving conveyance and the fetus is first
216 removed from the conveyance in this state or when a dead fetus is found in this state and
217 the place of fetal death is unknown, the fetal death shall be reported in this state. The
218 place where the fetus was first removed from the conveyance or the dead fetus was found
219 shall be considered the place of fetal death."
19 February 2011
18 February 2011
16 February 2011
Gods, Saints, and Monsters: A Pantheon
Patron Saint of Toadies and Lickspitals,
Anal Fissures, and Animal Husbandry
Anal Fissures, and Animal Husbandry
Feast Day: 24 hours after any big celebration
Martyred by the Internet in 2003
Rick Santorum's 'Google Problem'
15 February 2011
Now that would have been a covenant!
"If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it.
Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh
Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh"
12 February 2011
11 February 2011
10 February 2011
New York Congressman Christopher Lee Resigns Over Shirtless Photo
Only the tip of the iceberg !!!
Photos of other Representatives surface !!!
Peter King (NY 3rd) Dan Burton (IN 5th)
Mike Fitzpatrick (PA 8th) Virginia Foxx (NC 5th)
09 February 2011
Meow !
of course from the Huffington Post
Ricky honey, Al came to that same conclusion days ago.
National Inquirer close to identifying Boehner girlfriend.
08 February 2011
Boy, that's a relief; now I feel it's safe to visit Italy.
By Francis X. Rocca
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Pope Benedict XVI was once a card-carrying organ donor, but the offer expired when he assumed the papal throne, according to the Vatican. A donor card acquired by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in the 1970s "became ipso facto obsolete" with his election as pope, according to Monsignor Georg Ganswein*, Benedict's private secretary, as reported by the German website of Vatican Radio on Wednesday (Feb. 2).
*and who would know more about Benny's organ than Georg
07 February 2011
06 February 2011
Considering a Legacy at 100
"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you that I have signed legislation to outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes." Nicaragua El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Grenada Substituting jingoism for true patriotism Undermining the University of California System Stool Pigeon for H.U.A.C. Union Busting Making Greed fashionable, whether petty like your wife's attempt to to steal dresses, or grand like Charles Keating’s looting Savings and Loan George H.W. Bush which led to George W. Bush Demonization of Taxes Donald Rumsfeld Dick Cheney Antonin Scalia John Roberts Iran Contra Affair Ollie North Saying you accepted responsibility for the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing but then doing everything thing in your power to blame others. Arming Saddam Hussein Setting the precedent for divorced adulterers to be elected president Karl Rove Support for apartheid South Africa Pushing the unworkable ‘Star Wars’ weapons system Relying on mystics and charlatans for advice A.I.D.S. etc.
05 February 2011
03 February 2011
and you won't get an argument from me
“Well I think I'm going out of my head.
Yes I think I'm going out of my head
over U(SA), over U(SA)
I want U(SA) to want me
I need U(SA) so badly,
I can't think of anything but U(SA)
And I think I'm going out of my head.
'Cause I can't explain the tears that I shed
over U(SA), over U(SA)
Goin' out of my head over U(SA)
out of my head over U(SA)
Out of my head day and night,
Night and day, and night
wrong or right,
And I think I'm going out of my head.
Yes I think I'm going out of my head”
01 February 2011
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