"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca

08 May 2015

Confused Moments in Superstition: Arizona Edition

Perhaps fruitcake would have sent a more apt message.


M.McShea said...

So right. A cross is a cross and a crucifix is a crucifix. Another of my pet peeves is when they describe a female actor as an actor and not an actress. I remember the obit of Loretta Young calling her an actor. That really grated on my nerves. Like when are these Ivy League unpaid interns running the back offices of these media outlets gonna get a decent education?

Al Tecacca said...

What about former office holders still addressed by their former titles? He is not President Clinton; he's former President Clinton. What I call Bush the younger will not be repeated here.