"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca

26 July 2020

Geographic Haikus

My trip to France, lost;
We have become pariahs.
Why? Selfish Texans.

Florida looks bad:
Always did— now with disease.
Hooray! Well deserved.

Arizona jerks
Must be allowed to PARTY!
Hospitals fill up.

North Carolina
One half of a foolish pair
South Carolina

Gulf Coast Contagion
Some of the reasons why are
Pride, Greed, Ignorance

Roger Cohen, New York Times, 24 July 2020

17 July 2020

Now that it is full Summer, once again

Más de una puta en la familia.

We didn't see it coming; who could have predicted something like this?

Gubernatorial Haikus

Governor Ducie
A major Trump sycophant
Arizonans die

Governor Abbott
Cares more about his career
Than fellow Texans

Damn Ron DeSantis
Too busy kissing Trump’s ass
Floridians die

Georgia On My Mind?
With Kemp in charge it’s more like:
Georgia In Decline!

‘Bama Gov Ivey
Science denying Trump stooge.
ROLL TIDE (-al death wave).