"Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house." --Fran Lebowitz
"Willful ignorance comes at a price." --A. Tecacca

26 June 2022

SCOTUS: The Pause That Refreshes

"Could someone fetch the Chief's milk toast?"

Advice to young people.

Learn foreign languages since 
you won't want to live in this country.

Oh, come on. If you were asked to pick the child molester out of a crowd...

Before he became a leading voice for conservative causes on Capitol Hill, U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-OK)spent more than a decade as the director of youth programming at the Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center, a sprawling campground about 80 miles south of Oklahoma City that attracts more than 50,000 campers in grades six through 12 each year.


Dog whistles? Dog whistles? We don't need no stinkin' dog whistles.


Say Whaaat?


24 June 2022

Thank you Susan Collins

and thank you Arlen Specter, Joe Biden, and especially George H. W. Bush 

Just think, this time next year:

Rand Paul might not be the only quack, and Tommy Tuberville might not be the dumbest jock in the Senate.

But if reelected, Ron Johnson will still be the craziest.
[and Lindsey Graham the most craven]

SCOTUS: Ave Maria, gratia plena...