Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick broke his ankle in two places Wednesday night. Fitzpatrick, the 8th District Republican, was walking in heavy snow toward the Capitol in Washington, D.C., with two members of his staff, legislative director Kyle Whatley and chief of staff Patrick Lyden, when the accident happened.
LONDON (AP) — The first study to link a childhood vaccine to autism was based on doctored information about the children involved, according to a new report on the widely discredited research.
The conclusions of the 1998 paper by Andrew Wakefield and colleagues was renounced by 10 of its 13 authors and later retracted by the medical journal Lancet, where it was published. Still, the suggestion the MMR shot was connected to autism spooked parents worldwide and immunization rates for measles, mumps and rubella have never fully recovered.
When you altecacas need Medicare and there isn't enough because of looting by the unprincipled and avaricious, remember who you elected governor. By the way, thank you for George W.